Iberico Pork Bacon is a Spanish Culinary Treasure!
This Pancetta is amongst the finest pork bacon in the world. Iberico Pork Bacon features thick slices that can be enjoyed by themselves, with eggs or on a burger.
Smoked Ibérico de Bellota Pork Bacon Is Second To None!
This meat is distinctly different than regular pig meat. When you see it raw, it almost looks like beef. The game changer for the Ibérico pork meat is the fat. Because of its mostly acorns diet and its genetics, Iberian pigs are able to infiltrate a lot of fat into their muscles, resulting in a more flavorful pork. On top of being high in fat, a large amount of it is unsaturated oleic fat, the same fat found in olive oil, that is said to reduce cholesterol, and is an important part of the Mediterranean diet. When you eat Ibérico pork, the marbling of fat in it makes it super tasty and delicious. The meat is more flavorful, more juicy, and very distinctive.
Iberico Pork Bacon Serving Suggestions
We recommend cooking this low and slow, to savor the flavor. Do not cook this as a traditional bacon!
Paring With Iberico Pork Bacon
Goes great with our Wagyu Burger and Wagyu Hotdog. (See Picture)
Free-range, antibiotic free.
100% Ibérico lineage.
Origin: Spain
Portion: (9oz)