Our Wagyu Hotdog Is Soooo Yummy We Gave It Our Own Nick Name...
Introducing the Hot Diggity Dog from Meat Your Cheese!
There are no words to explain how good this Wagyu Hotdog tastes.
Are Meat Your Cheese Wagyu Hotdogs Seasoned?
Yes they are! They are perfectly seasoned and ultra buttery. These 100% Wagyu Meat Beef Hotdogs are so good that ketchup and mustard will be an afterthought.
What Do Wagyu Hotdogs Pair With?
Wagyu Beef Hotdogs pair great when they are wrapped with our Iberico Bacon de Bellota. (See Picture)
How To Cook A Wagyu Hotdog:
Cook them in slow indirect heat to prevent busting. (Do Not Over Cook)
Portion: (5 pack)
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